Grants Awarded
Grants Awarded
Since 2005, a total of $557,367 in grants have been awarded to the Sartell-St. Stephen School District
Grants Awarded in Fall Granting Cycle for 2024-2025 School Year
SSEF is proud to announce that nearly $26,450 in grants were awarded to the following programs:
​Clay Play: Enhancing Early Childhood Development through Ceramics – $1,250 – ORELC
Sensory Table Manipulatives – $5,250 – ORELC
CKLA Extension – Grade 2 – $6,000 – PMPS
Beehives – $2,250 – RIS
Riverview Computer Programming Robot – $3,830– RIS
Glow–Up Math Knowledge – $550 – SMS
Kahoot!+ Premier Teacher Individual – $192 –SMS
Laser Engraver and 3D printer for PLTW – $1,329 – SMS
Sartell Middle School Art Displays and Show Event – $750 – SMS
SMS School Garden – $900 – SMS
3D Printers for Sartell High School: Advancement in Material Use – $1,500 – SHS
Let's Help Students Understand Prenatal Development with an Anatomical Model – $589 –SHS
Parts Tumbler: Deburr Metal Types with an Innovative Process – $1,500 – SHS
Sabre Book Club – $600 –SHS
Grants Awarded in Spring Granting Cycle for 2023-2024 School Year
$25,503 in grants were awarded to the following programs:
Calming Spaces for 4th Grade Classrooms - $600 - RIS
Character Strong Professional Development - $2,500 - SMS
DECA Emerging Leadership - $4,000 - SHS
Dungeons & Dragons (D&D) Club Supplies - $200 - SMS
Knowledge Enrichment - $6,050 - PMPS
Motor Room Updates - $500 - PMPS
PBIS School-wide Incentives & School Store - $3,617 - SMS
SAFE Club - $1,600 - SHS
Things That Go! - $4,839 - ORELC
Welding Fixtures & Tooling - $1,600 - SHS
Grants Awarded in Fall Granting Cycle for 2023-2024 School Year
$14,678 in grants were awarded to the following programs:
DECA Emerging Leadership - $4,000 - SHS
Encouraging Engagement - $1,153 - RIS
Read to Succeed - $1,500 - RIS
Reading Garden - $3,825 - PMP
Sabre Book Club- $1,200 - SHS
SMS Adaptive Music - $1,000 - SMS
SMS Morning News Show - $500 - SMS
Unified Club - $1,500 - SHS
Grants Awarded in Spring Granting Cycle for 2023-2024 School Year
$22,835 in grants were awarded to the following programs:
CNA State Testing Scholarships - $1,350 - SHS
Cutting Edge Cutting Equipment - Cold Saw - $3,500 - SHS
Kahoot+ Premier for teachers - $100 - SMS
Mobilizing Trades Pathways with PACKOUT - $2,000 - SHS
Morning Bins - Grade 2 - $4,000 - PMP
Robotics Support - $2,500 - SHS
SHS Children's Theatre "Elephant and Piggie's We are in a Play!" - $4,000 - SHS, ORE, PMP
SMS Keyboards for Spanish - $1,185 - SMS
Snowshoes for Outdoor Classroom - $1,700 - RIS
Statecraft App Based Geography Simulation Experience - $2,500 - SHS
Grants Awarded in Fall Granting Cycle for 2022-2023
$22,305 in grants were awarded to the following programs:
Eagle's Nest - $3,000 RIS
Early Childhood SMART Course Initiative - $3,110 - ORELC
Mindfulness Calming Corners - $1,220 - RIS
SMS Project Lead the Way VEX Robotics Upgrade - $6,462 - SMS
Formative to Inform Instruction - $3,000 - SMS
Plant Grow Lab - $778 - SMS
Student Advocates for Equity Club - $1,000 - SHS
NASP Archery - $2,735 - SHS
Student Led Sabre Book Club - $1,000 - SHS
*Multi year grant awarded to continue the program to ensure success.
Grants Awarded for 2022-2023 Spring Granting Cycle
$22,300 in grants were awarded to the following programs:
ORELC STEAM Lab Enhancements - $1,500 - ORELC
*Kinder Kits - $8,000 - ORELC
Riverview Makerspace Makeover $1,500 - RIS
Youth Frontier Kindness, Courage, and Respect Retreats _ $5,000 - RIS, SMS, SHS
Throwable Microphone - $400 - SMS
Transition Programing and more - $2,500 - SHS
Hands-On for Consumer Math - $1,000 - SHS
Wood Carving Tools - $2,400 - SHS
*Multi year grant awarded to continue the program to ensure success.
Grants Awarded for 2021-2022 Fall Granting Cycle
$24,760 in grants were awarded to the following programs:
Outdoor Learning Enhancements for Early Childhood - $6,000 ORELC
VEX Robotics Kits for Elementary - $3,500 - ORELC & PMP
VersaTiles - $3,570 - PMP
Furthering Fine Motor in First Grade -$3,500 - PMP
Adaptive Music Instruments - $1,000 - SMS
Speaker Jesse LeBeau: Leadership Training - $4,000 - SMS
Real Life Pregnancy Profile Simulator - $1,600 - SHS
Projection Mapping Equipment - $1,590 - SHS
Grants Awarded for 2021-2022 Spring Granting Cycle
$26,400 in grants were awarded to the following programs:
Apple Pencils for SMS Special Education Implementation - $1,300 - SMS
Bird Feeders - $750 - RIS
Bookworm - $2,750 - PMP
Can you hear me now? - $400 - SMS
Care Closet - $2,000 - SMS
Graphic Art with Apple Pencils -$1,100 - SHS
Growing Outside the Box - $700 - PMP
Microscope Image Projector - $375 - SMS
Proyecto de Libros - $840 - SHS
RekenRek Classroom Project K/1 - $2,600 - ORELC/PMP
Sabre Strong Technology - $3,200 - SHS
SabreCON Support - Habitat for Humanity Home Build - $3,500 - SHS
SMS Media Collection- Diversity Focus - $4,000 - SMS
Social and Emotional Regulation - $1,500 - PMP
World Language Apple Pencils - $385 - SHS
World of Wonders Literacy Enhancement - $1,000 - ORELC
To learn more about each grant, see the grant descriptions here
Grants Awarded for 2020-2021 Fall Grant Cycle
$22,600 in grants were awarded to the following programs:
Apple Pencils for 5th Grade Math Teachers - $700 - RIS
Apple Pencils for 6th Grade Teachers - $1,200 - SMS
Apple Pencils for 8th Grade Math and LA Teachers - $600 - SMS
Behavior Resource Sensory Room - $2,000 - SMS
Classroom Calming Corner - $500 - ORELC
Encore Equity Book Club - $390 - SMS
*Engaging with Nearpod - Science - $2,500 - SMS
Full STEAM Ahead @ PMPS - $1,000 - PMPS
Hands-On Learning for Child Development - $500 - SHS
HS Guitar Class - $2,070 - SHS
Innovative Teaching with Apple Pencils for 3rd Grade - $1,200 - RIS
*Kuta Software - $620 - SMS
Movement Matters - $1,250 - ORELC
Multicultural Materials to support Early Ed - $1,000 - ORELC
Sabres Strong at PMPS - $2,000 - PMPS
SHS Positive Behavior Interventions & Support - $2,000 - SHS
SMART Course - $3,070 - District wide
To learn more about each grant, see the grant descriptions here
*Multi year grant awarded to continue the program to ensure success.
Grants Awarded for 2019-2020
$35,067 in grants were awarded to the following programs:
Art in Motion - $4,000 - SHS
Early Childhood Family Education Materials - $1,612 - ECFE
Family Math Night - $2,000 - SMS
Flexible Learning Spaces - $15,000 - K-8 Buildings
Hands on US History Curriculum - $2,000 - SHS
*Let's Create with AR & VR - $2,505 - SMS
Mini Maker Labs in Kindergarten - $2,700 - ORE/PME
*Motor Tools to Enhance Literacy & Math Skills - $2,000 - ECFE
One District One Book - $2,500 ORE/PME
Three Treasures - Willow School of Tai Chi - $750 - SHS
To learn more about each grant, see the grant descriptions here
*Grant amount awarded for 2020-2021 as well to continue the program.
Grants Awarded for 2018-2019
$39,000 in grants were awarded to the following programs:
3D Pens for Visual Arts - $3,000 SMS
Afterschool Robotics - $1,000 ORE/PME/SMS
Character Education - $3,500 SHS/SMS
Elementary Makerspace - $4,000 ORE/PME
FACS Equipment - $1,500 SMS
Family Math Night - $2,000 SMS
Flexible Seating for Math - $5,000 SMS
The Hub - $5,000 SMS
Living Above the Line - $1,000 SMS
One District One Book - $5,000 ORE/PME
Picture Bks for Social/Emotional Curriculum - $2,000 ORE/PME
Room at the Table - $3,000 ORE/PME
Sabre Splash - $2,000 SHS
SMS Mentors - $1,000 SMS
To learn more about each grant, see the grant descriptions here
Grants Awarded for 2017-2018
$36,377 in grants were awarded to the following programs:
Academic Extensions - $1,200 ORE/PME
Academic Extensions - $1,000 SMS
Afterschool Robotics - $1,000 PME/SMS
Art In Motion - $3,000 SHS
Conscious Behavior - $1,117 ECFE
Elementary Makerspaces - $5,000 ORE/PME
Engineering and Technology - $6,500 SMS
Learning Lab - $4,160 SMS
Leveled Library - $1,000 ORE/PME
Multi-Sensory Approach to Learning - $3,500 ECFE/ORE/PME/SMS
Nat'l Association of Workshop Directors-Leadership Training - $1,400 SHS
One District One Book - $4,000 ORE/PME
Sabre Splash - $2,000 SHS
Students Against Trafficking (StAT) - $500 SHS
Student Council Leadership Conference - $1,000 SHS
Grants Awarded for 2016-2017
$32,612 in grants were awarded to the following programs:
Academic Extensions - $2,100 ORE/PME
Academic Extensions - $1,500 SMS
Afterschool Robotics - $5,000 PME/SMS
AP Training - $500 SHS
Art In Motion - $2,000 SHS
iOpener 2.0 - $1,000 SHS
Learning Lab - $2,000 SMS
Leveled Library - $2,000 ORE/PME
Leveled Reading Book Bins - $1,000 SMS
Nat'l Association of Workshop Directors-Leadership Training - $700 SHS
One District One Book - $4,000 ORE/PME
Sabre Splash - $2,000 SHS
Sabres Connection Transitional Lab - $1,000 SHS
Sound Field Systems - $2,412 Early Childhood
Stronger Sabres - $2,500 SHS
Student Council Leadership Convention - $900 SHS
Student-Centered Media Center - $2,000 ORE/PME
Grants Awarded for 2015-2016
$32,037 in grants were awarded to the following programs:
AP Training - $1,250 SHS
Art In Motion - $3,000 SHS
Elementary Academic Extensions - $2,100 ORE/PME
Engaging Readers with e-books - $1,800 SMS
Independence Life Skills - $500 SMS
Learning Lab - $4,000 SMS
Leveled Library - $2,000 ORE/PME
Sabre Splash - $2,000 SHS
Scholastic Weekly Readers - $300 ECFE
SMS Academic Extensions - $1,500 SMS
Social/Emotional Development Curriculum - $820 ECFE
Sound Field Systems - $2,442 ECFE
Stronger Sabres - $3,000 SHS
Student Council Leadership Convention - $1,325 SHS
Student-Centered Media Center - $6,000 ORE/PME
Grants Awarded in 2014-2015
$30,025 in grants were awarded to the following programs:
AP Summer Institute - $1,500 - SHS
Art In Motion - $5,000 - SHS
Early Weekly Readers - $578 - ECFE
Electronic Data Probes - $810 - SHS
Elementary Academic Extensions - $1,520 - ORE/PME
Family Library Story Hour - $2,000 - ECFE
High Interest e-books - $650 - SMS
Kindergarten Flip-It Books - $350 - ORE/PME
Lab Quest 2 - $2,632 - SMS
Learning Lab - $1,400 - SMS
Leveled Library - $3,000 - ORE/PME
Math SmARTS - $3,000 - ORE/PME
Sabre Splash - $2,000 - SHS
School Readiness Preschool Books - $540 - ECFE
Schoology Conference - $500 - ORE/PME/SMS
Student Council Leadership Conference - $1,500 - SHS
SMS Academic Extensions - $1,500 SMS
STEM Initiative - $1,545 - SMS
Grants Awarded in 2013-14
$27,320 in grants were awarded to the following programs:
7th Grade Team Quest Leadership - $2,700 - SMS
AP Summer Institute - $1,500 - SHS
Art In Motion - $3,000 - SHS
BLT (Building Language Together) Family Story Hour - $1,000 - ECFE
Creative Spaces - $300 - SHS
e-books - $2,000 - ORE/PME/SMS/SHS
Elementary Academic Extensions - $1,672 - ORE/PME
Family Library Enhancements - $1,254 - ECFE
Leveled Library - $4,000 - ORE/PME
National Leadership Conference - $1840 - SHS
Reluctant Reader Library - $1,614 - SMS
Sabre Splash - $2,000 - SHS
SMS Academic Extensions - $3,000
SMS Mentorship Program - $940
STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Math) - $500 - SMS
Grants Awarded in 2012-13
$25,092 in grants were awarded and distributed to the following programs:
AP Programming - $2,800
Art Club and Show - $700
Art In Motion - $3,000 - SHS
BLT (Building Language Together) - $1,000
Elementary Academic Extensions - $1,252
Guided Reading Library - $2,800
Kindergarten Leveled Readers - $1,200
Model United Nations - $500
Motor Development Program for ECFE - $2,000
Sabre Splash - $2,000
SMS Academic Extensions - $3,500
Student Council Leadership Training - $1,100
Student Mentorship Program - $940
Wake Up SMS - $800
Writer-In-Residence - $1,500
Grants Awarded in 2011-12
$22,500 in grants were awarded and distributed to the following programs:
AP and Pre-AP Programming - $4,480
Art Show - $400
BLT (Building Language Together) - $1,000
iOpeners Technology at SHS - $2,133
iPads in Speech Therapy - $1,539
Kindergarten Leveled Readers - $1,713
Math-Arts Pilot at ORE and PME - $1,785
Mobi Mobile Whiteboards at SHS - $850
Motor Development Program for ECFE - $900
Sabre Splash - $2,000
SMS Academic Extensions - $3,000
SMARTBoard Technology at PME - $2,400
Wake Up SMS - $300
Grants Awarded in 2010-11
$20,485 in grants were awarded and distributed to the following programs:
AP Summer Institute - $1,775
Differentiated Library - $1,500
Distance Learning - $1,000
Global Studies Book Reports - $600
GPS for Elementary and Middle School - $1,000
Mini Laptops PME - $1,000
Portable Big Screen - $2,000
Project BLT (Building Language Together) - $1,000
Project Systems Tech - $3,860
Sabre Splash - $2,000
SMS Academic Extensions - $2,000
Spinning a Tale - $600
Wake Up SMS - $650
We Are Literate Kids - $500
Writing Extensions - $1,000
Grants Awarded in 2009-10
$15,000 in grants were awarded and distributed to the following programs:
Kid Connecting to Community - $1,000
SMS Creative Arts Magazine - $900
Building Language Together - $1,000
SMS Academic Extensions - $1,000
Battle of the Books - $250
SMART technology - $2,400
Prairie Fire Theater - $1,350
Spinning a Tale - $1,740
Wake Up SMS - $500
Sabre Splash - $2,000
Mini Lap Top Labs - $1,960
MEGT Winter Conf. - $900
Grants Awarded in 2008-09
$8,500 in grants were awarded and distributed to the following programs:
Wake Up SMS - $500
Sabre Splash - $2,000
SMS Academic Extensions - $1,150
Battle of the Books - $200
Young Artist/Author Conference - $900
Take Home Reading PME - $500
Take Home Reading ORE - $500
Creative Arts Magazine - $750
Building Language Together - $1,000
SMS Students (S.O.S.) - $1,000
Grants Awarded in 2007-08
$10,480 in grants were awarded and distributed to the following programs:
Picture This! – $500
Sabre Splash – $2000
SMS Creative Arts magazine – $500
Kindergarten Academic Extensions – $1500
Prairie Fire Theatre – $500
Young Author/Artist Conference – $800
Battle of the Books – $200
Building Language Together – $1,000
SMS Holiday Market – $1,500
National Association for Gifted Children - $1,980
Grants Awarded in 2006-07
$7,500 in grants were awarded and distributed to the following programs:
Prairie Fire Theatre Week - $250
Building Language Together - $2,000
Battle of the Books - $500
Sabre Splash - $1,250
Sartell Middle School Academic Extension Programs - $3,500
Grants Awarded in 2005-06
$7,500 in grants were awarded and distributed to the following programs:
Building Language Together - $2,000
3rd and 4th Grade Spanish Programs/Middle School Academic Extensions - $3,500
Battle of the Books - $500
Prairie Fire Theater Week - $250
Sabre Splash - $1,250